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Writer's pictureAurélie Meneau

The dose makes the poison

True Story

When too much of a good thing hits the nervous system. Oh boy did Jana's journey hit home! Travelling IS glamourous as long as it respects the balance within the body's subtle energy systems that we came cabled with. The mind agitation, the contractions in the body and the fear she experienced were alarm signals - a manifestation of an imbalance in the mind-body complex, signs of a nervous system chronically operating out of parasympathetic dominance, time to pay attention and listen essentially. 

But listening to what the body is saying and acting upon its request for change(s), when it is stuck in functional freeze or fight-or-flight with a reduced ability to process its normal emotional load, is a real tough ask for anybody living this experience (I'd know a thing or two about that). That's when you reach out for help, for techniques. 

Choosing to work at subconscious level, with quantum healing, to liberate the system from unprocessed or untruthful information that may have got generated and trapped during survival mode, is a path that I'll never cease to put forward, alongside any somatic body work. You can't always bring about miracles from one session (your system will only surrender to the degree if feels safe to, plus we always need to be mindful of allostatic load with healing), but if you trust and stick with the process long enough to feel beyond surface-level changes, then what can shift and transform within and around you can start to take on the form of a true miracle. 

Thank you Jana for your testimonial, and thank you to all my clients for allowing me to facilitate and open such priceless positive transformation processes in your lives, as a co-creative effort. I can't wait to meet more of you this second half of 2024- please spread the word as you spread the love! 

To meeting our realities with love, forever and always



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