Here's the second lot of meaningful stats I was able to extract from my survey last July. Late to make it to a post but still very much up-to-date! 😉🥰
✨ 98% of respondents declared being satisfied (18) or very satisfied (80) with the level of care they received from us
✨ 92% of respondents who were struggling with their mental health said they felt improvements following their session (s)
✨ 75% of respondents who were looking for clarity on their life purpose/ direction said answers manifested after their session (s)
✨ 68% of respondents who booked a session for their child said they saw a tangible positive shift after their session (s)
Did I mention briliant?!!
Thanks again to all who took the time to respond- I trust you are all living at least one of the things you used to pray for 💖
See you very soon across the field, as the field peeps
In gratitude always xx